
A reminder

Considering this


I'd like to recommend a couple past blog posts to you:





Europeans need to wake up to more than one threat and we need to eject the tunnel vision "Atlantiker" (friendship with America ideologues) from positions of influence.





  1. The US election is going to be a vote between Antisemitism and fascism.

    1. That would be debatable if Semites weren't utterly overrepresented in the Biden administration's top levels.

      I say the election is between a fairly ordinary wideband (pro-Rich, social democrats, greens) Democratic Party and a Fascist pro-Rich Republican Party that has a Christian zealot wing.

    2. You aren't wrong, but the Antisemitism of the student protests provide a framework, how many people see the issue and change their decision. "Woke" is in the broad camp and pushes people towards the fascist camp, because the woke ideology is its own kind of totalitarianism. And the way the US election system works, makes it an even worse choice for Biden to try to distance himself from destructive forces in the Democrat camp. Sooner rather than later fascism is going to happen in the US and it'll probably have a government similar to the many Latin American countries that copied her constitution.

    3. Please tell us how we got here. Do AIPAC and Epstein Island have something to do with it? The last 8 months have been quite... eye opening.

    4. @Anon: "Sooner rather than later fascism is going to happen in the US and it'll probably have a government similar to the many Latin American countries that copied her constitution."

      Name one Latin American country, apart from Belize, that has a Common Law legal system like the USA? There are none, in fact, the defining trait of every LA country, and the source of most Rule of Law issues are the European Civil Law systems (and jurisprudence) that they inherited from Spain and Portugal. If you do not understand case law and judicial precedent, you do not understand common law systems like the USA. We do not 'get' civil law systems, and civil law nations really do not 'get' common law systems.

    5. @SO: "I say the election is between a fairly ordinary wideband (pro-Rich, social democrats, greens) Democratic Party and a Fascist pro-Rich Republican Party that has a Christian zealot wing."

      Of course a leftist would say such nonsense. Every poll is showing a tectonic shift in the electorate to Trump. Black men, Hispanics and other minority groups that traditionally voted democrat, are switching to the Orange Man. There is a reason that Malcom X said: “The White liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the Black man."

    6. Back here in realityworld, the polls show that the only demographics that support Trump more than Biden are
      little to somewhat educated


      I totally believe that the cult bubble in fantasyland thinks otherwise, though. They have their "Blacks for Trump" clubs that are staffed with white men.

    7. @SO: “Back here in realityworld…”

      Wrong and precisely why Malcom X called white liberals the worst enemy to America; he did not like conservatives, but he recognized the hypocrisy and deceit of the left.

      Fortunately, Gallup and Harris can deodorize the stench of leftist delusion; check out their election statistics:
      Slide 21/22


      “- The Democratic Party's wide lead over Republicans in Black Americans’ party preferences has shrunk by nearly 20 points over the past three years.

      - Democrats' leads among Hispanic adults and adults aged 18 to 29 have slid nearly as much, resulting in Democrats' holding only a modest edge among both groups.”

      A 20-point swing amongst minorities is huge and makes both a popular vote and electoral college win for Trump likely.

      And Brandon has a 38.7% job approval rating averaged over his presidency.

      “The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative.” Malcom X

  2. Trump warned Germany about dependence on Russian energy and the German delegates laughed in his face. A few years later history proved him correct.

    1. A broken clock is right twice a day.

    2. Wrong.

      Germany replaced the Russian natural gas (AND Russian crude oil) with moderate pain.
      Meanwhile, Russia's exports crumbled permanently.

      Russia was always more dependent non the Russia-Germany fossil fuel trade than Germany. THAT is what the events proved. Germany was NOT dependent on it. It replaced Russian natural gas without even coming close to emptying its natural gas reserves.
