
[Blog] Visitors change

I noticed a huge change in my viewership. For reasons unknown I have suddenly astonishingly high viewer counts from France and New Zealand.

I'd like to ask readers from those countries to tell me WTF happened, for I am really curious. 
And yes, I  would also understand a French explanation if it was in simple French. :-)

Both comments and e-mail would be fine.

page views all time, as counted by hosting service

page views last month, as counted by hosting service
(The drop in UK viewers relative to Germany and US may be due to the much-reduced activity of the Think Defence blog.)

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P.S.: Since we're at blog topics just a quick message to Indian spammers:
This is not a good site to advertise for escorts in Mumbai, Hyderabad or whatever in comments.
is how escorts look in the context of this blog!



  1. I discover your site via French colonel Michel GOYA Blog "la voie de l'epée" .i didnt notice any inusual activity on your site , just good article , but Du to recent attack on a "military patrol" in Paris Orly airport , there was a spike in consultation "la voie de l epée" who could have ricochet on your site.

  2. Wuhuu! Finland mentioned!

    1. That's you, checking in 9 times a day. ;-)

  3. http://lavoiedelepee.blogspot.fr

    Your in his "followed blogs" (blogs suivis) list. You have been added juste two month, or so, ago.

    That why.

  4. I'm a long time visitor from New Zealand. I can't point to anything locally which could have driven up visitor numbers. Maybe the NZDF is using your blog as a reference in their staff courses :P.

  5. Shared a couple of links on reddit.com/r/europe/ on pertinent topics, but I can't imagine it made a big dent.
