
Free Europe's security challenge if America turns full fascist (Part III)


previous parts:




So what could be done for defence of Europe against American airpower?

Defending against aircraft & missiles

We would need to timely detect threats to intercept them. More AEW aircraft and a redundant coverage with long wavelength (metric) air search radars & passive radars would be needed. Distributed sky-scanning imaging infrared and ultraviolet cameras as well as distributed acoustic sensors would complement that. Standoff jammers would need to be detected & triangulated by passive EW.

The American Way of Air War involves intricately-planned strike packages. Stealth aircraft didn't change this much - they merely made the strike packages a bit smaller and more focused on fewer guided munitions. An important part of these strike packages is the anti-radar warfare - "SEAD" (suppression of enemy air defences, albeit they actually aspire to "DEAD" - destruction ...). This means that the defender's radar emitters are at great risk. A way to reduce this risk is to use a large quantity of very cheap emitters in a multi-static radar network. Such very cheap emitters could be nothing but emitters. No receiving of echoes, no processing, no demanding communications. Just cheap emitters with their own electrical power generator. Ten thousands of such cheap emitters could be dispersed throughout free Europe, though with greatest densities in particularly relevant or threatened areas. The passive radars would receive the echoes, process the echo data and communicate using landlines or directional radios. These passive radars would be near-impossible to target for the attackers, as they wouldn't need to emit in the radio frequency spectrum, and what little radio comms they'd have could be done with antennas hundreds of metres away from the actual passive radar trailer.

Active electronic warfare would be required to counter communications and navigation of the attackers. This includes jamming and possibly disabling of communications satellites (including civilian ones used by the attackers) and jamming the satellite navigation signals (GPS, Europe's own Galileo, Russian Glonass, Chinese Beidou) in the areas where there are attacking missiles. The jamming of satellite signals needs to come from above for good effectiveness, ideally by low orbit satellites or numerous low cost very high altitude aircraft. Incoming cruise missiles could also exploit civilian emissions for navigation, so mobile phone networks might need to be temporarily deactivated where the cruise missiles are as well. This degradation of cheap navigation technologies would force the attackers to use more expensive forms of guidance, especially pattern recognition and terrain referencing sensors. It might not yield a large or even decisive advantage, though. A consumer-grade thermal camera is available for less than 1,000 € in wholesale and a minicomputer with pattern recognition software and sufficient data storage would cost less than 100 € in wholesale. Shaheed-style cheap cruise missiles of 1,000+ km range are thus still feasible at very low costs (much less than 100,000 € per missile). Annual mass production of such missiles would be feasible by the millions. Ordinary "Tomahawk" cruise missiles cost more than a million $ for more range and much bigger warheads.

Hard kill defences need to take these missile costs into account. We cannot protect all of Europe with SAMP/T style missiles, for they are too expensive (and of limited promise against very low observable aircraft). 

Free Europe needs

  • low density and redundancy of defences for defeating very low observable aircraft (B-21) up to more than 60,000 ft altitude
  • low density and redundancy of defences for defeating aeroballistic/quasiballistic missiles (at first only PrSM) with densified defences for priority areas (such as Greater Paris region)
  • low density and redundancy of defences for defeating low observable aircraft (F-35) up to more than 60,000 ft altitude
  • anti-saturation defences for defeating massed (~300 against a country in one wave) 'normal type' (Tomahawk, stealthier JASSM) cruise missile waves
  • anti-saturation defences for defeating massed (~3,000 against a country in one wave) 'cheap type' (Shaheed-136 class, Shaheed-238 class) cruise missile waves

Surviving the hits by aircraft & missiles

WW2 in Europe and again the current Russo-Ukrainian War have shown that enormous damage can be repaired away or compensated by long-distance grids for energy until the supporting economic base collapses (early 1945 collapse of German railway transportation). A thousand cruise missile hits may have a very unconvincing effect on the European continent unless they are targeted very well with this repair-ability in mind. Much less than a hundred key factories would absolutely have to stay in production to maintain this ability to repair damage.

Some things cannot be produced in great quantities within a year or two, though. A thousand cruise missiles  hits at electrical grid transformer stations and maybe a dozen related factories could leave free Europe unable to resist much longer. Cruise missiles of the 'normal type' render all but the most extreme bunkers ineffective, so we should consider dispersion of such installations over much larger areas to increase how many cruise missile hits are required for decisive effect. We should also do R&D and hardware upgrades to minimise secondary effects (secondary fires, electrical overload damage et cetera).

Base denial

The obvious launchers for attacks on free Europe would be carrier aviation, destroyers and submarines. It's impractical to keep submarines beyond cruise missile range, so it appears unreasonable to pursue an anti-launcher strategy against cruise missiles.

Carrier aviation is different. The Americans make the mistake of producing many F-35 in an air force version that could not be used on aircraft carriers. The sum of existing and planned B-2, F-35B/C and F-18E/F/G in U.S. armed forces is about 1,500. That's a much more manageable threat than if the USAF F-35 fleet was added. Keep in mind the Americans also have to keep an eye on East Asia and could not risk to exhaust their entire inventory without scrapping their war plans contingency plans regarding PR China.

Still, it appears that taking out about a dozen supercarriers is easier than to take out 1,500 1st and 2nd rate combat aircraft. It's clearly feasible if French SLBMs were used. This would leave the Americans with only their amphibious carriers with F-35B (and no real AEW), unlikely to strike at the industrial cores of free Europe.

This leaves mostly the existing map of land bases as a huge (USAF-sized) issue:

Greenland would be difficult to garrison sufficiently in peacetime.

Morocco, Israel (and possibly Egypt) are sovereign non-allied countries and could rather not be garrisoned.

Iceland, Faroers, Ireland, Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands could be defended, but fortifying these with missile-based defences and artillery-strong garrisons (though largely just pre-positioned hardware for such) would require much local real estate, budgeting for more than € 100 bn initial costs, consent by the respective sovereign European country and most of all politicians who actually understand that we may need to deter & defend towards the West. They were raised into a world where this sounds like mirror universe concerns. Additionally, the Eastern European countries are obsessed with the threat posed by Russia for understandable reasons.

What does it take to defend an island base against a dozen supercarriers and the USN's amphibious fleet?  The easiest approach would be detection + area bombing with SLBMs.* This should be an option, for this option would force the attacker to disperse. Dispersed forces are easier to keep out (though not easier to defend against air strikes). Moreover, a "Marianas" base for bombing Europe would probably need to be annihilated by SLBM anyway. This means an evacuation of civilians from the smaller islands at the beginning of armed hostilities would be advisable (at the very least from the Azores). Such an evacuation might be decisive at deterring an invasion; who would execute a risky invasion knowing that it won't give a usable base?

Another important ability would be to enter the fight over Faroers, Madeira and maybe Moroccan Coast in the air. This is similar to the need to fight a conventional air war against carriers. We should have hundreds of sets for turning airliners into tankers and platforms for (anti-ship capable) cruise missiles. Moreover, we should have diverse (in case one technological approach proves a failure) anti-ship-capable cruise missiles and similarly-ranged anti-radar missiles in stocks. These munitions would also be relevant for deterrence & defence in the East (in land attack roles), so the expense may be justified rather easily.

A conventional approach against bases is to attack them via air strikes or to blockade them. A close  blockade might be a job for non-nuclear submarines, while a far blockade could be executed using armed merchantman commerce raiders. Air strikes on bases would be quite similar to air strikes on carriers; a standoff launch of missiles would be preferable. Converted airliners could serve as launch platforms for attack and decoy munitions while military aircraft provide the strike package's escorts (fighters, standoff jammers, passive electronic warfare).

Free Europe might have a good case for cooperating with unfree China to develop such strike package capabilities during the 2030's - all out of necessity.

Finally (for part III), a general statement:

It's foolish to buy any air forces or navy equipment from the U.S. that has a radio frequency antenna or anything that could technically serve as such. All such equipment might have a backdoor command embedded that permits the Americans to sabotage its employment up to exploding while carried by its platform. Such systems often stay in service for decades and take yeas to replace, so it's unacceptable to buy American NOW, not only once America turned full Fascist.

This includes that all F-35 purchases by European countries are foolish, and less obviously so, al Americans-dependent aircraft systems (such as the Korean F-35 equivalent) are off limits as well.

Part III got quite long, so the deterrence topic will be covered in part IV.



*: I'm sure that a first use of nuclear munitions against population centres is unacceptable, but a first use against naval forces of an aggressor is IMO neither unethical nor too risky. It depends on what alternatives are available, of course.



  1. Here's some deterrence for you:
    Gotland class submarine
    Krupp K12 gun
    W33 shell
    That'll keep those red dots out of your map
    Every nation with reactors makes nukes
    Germans shot them in the foot with muh green energy and le Chernobyl

    1. Bollocks, most countries with nuclear reactors have no nuclear weapons.

      Germany has two MW-class nuclear reactors in operation to produce medical materials anyway.

      And on top of that, you don't need a reactor to create a uranium-based fission bomb.

    2. Graphite/D2O reactor is infinitely easier than any method of uranium enrichment. Seriously, look into it.

    3. It just happens that Apartheid South Africa covertly produced gunshot principle uranium fission bombs with very limited means.

  2. If Europe is fighting a fascist USA, it’ll be fighting Russia at the same time

    1. Only if European grand strategy (grand diplomacy) suffers a truly epic fail. Nothing is automatic. A unified Europe can be free from external pressure, from either Russia or North America. Plus, there is no natural alliance between Russia and the United States, and no reason to assume there will be one in the future, unless somehow Europe is a "threat" to both at the same time, which frankly is almost impossible to see happening.

    2. There's the China issue. China could not watch Europeans to be defeated by Russia+USA, for it would be next. So it might deter Russia from entering that war.
      The question arises whether it would be in Europe's interest to see Fascist Americans win vs. Chinese.

    3. “ Plus, there is no natural alliance between Russia and the United States,” the current leadership of American proto-fascism is subservient to Russia, though.
      I do see SO’s point about the PRC potentially working with Europe to balance a US-RUS axis, and I think Europe would have no reason to favour a fascist USA over the PRC. However, I am concerned that the PRC would welcome the final defeat of liberal democracy as an ideological alternative.

  3. "A ship's a fool to fight a fort."

    There's no need to use any nuclear weapons to counter U.S. supercarriers. 10 Ford class CVs can muster at most 750 first line fighter bombers. At enormous expense due to the ships themselves. An industrial power (hypothetical Europe) can operate and protect that many at much less cost, or alternatively field many, many more aircraft for the same cost, to include land bases and very, very effective air defenses.

    The whole stereotype of USN carriers projecting power is because of all the wars against weak nations, and the USN was looking to be of use, something to do, to justify budgets. There has never been an instance of naval/fleet air power equaling the combat capacity of a land based air force AT THE SAME COST. That is simply impossible.

    In World War 2. with massively more industrial manufacturing than Japan, the U.S. Navy did conduct highly successful raids with carrier air power against the Japanese Home Islands. BUT, only in conjunction with American land-based airpower also attacking at the same time, from island bases (and again, I point out the colossal disparity in industrial capability; industry is the hardest aspect of modern state-level warfare, and it cannot be improvised in any meaningful time frame. War are talking at least a decade for it to make a difference).

    Is is even barely possible to imagine the United States having say 10 times the industrial capacity of Europe? Puhleeze. Not worth wasting your time thinking about it.

    In this case, the US Navy is the ship, while Europe is the fort. Carrier groups cannot by themselves threaten large industrial-technological states. Their main purpose, and they are perfect for it, is to control the high seas. Against Europe, Russia, China, hell even a re-armed Japan? ONLY in conjunction with land-based airpower, in which case the carrier groups are the minor threat, and the air forces become the MAJOR threat.

    So, let's not bring up the nukes. That should terrify ALL human beings, everywhere.

    1. An isolated island would be overwhelmed unless it receives very expensive defences. And then the USAF would have its base.

    2. Euros need to look into the Soviet 650mm wake homing torpedoes, you know, just in case the eagle goes full retard.

    3. There's no reason to believe that Russian torpedoes are better than German ones.

  4. You say it yourself, what about all the weapons, planes, vehicles, electronics, software, etc... from the States in use in the Euro armed forces ? Right now the list is nearly endless... It will be totally useless with all the backdoors. Even in this scenario if the Euro-US confrotation is a slow burn it will take years to replace some of it and in some case there is not even a local equivalent. A part that I doubt that the Russians will be very kind even in this scenario they will land grab anything they can and some countries are so into been into the US sphere of influence that they would help them directly.

    1. Without Russia's invasion NATO might have withered away. Now it'll persist another generation.
      The European military-industrial conglomerates would enjoy the funding, but I'm not convinced the economic tradeoff of Europe "waking up" militarily is politically viable in a period where Brussels is losing influence versus populists and post-peak workers are thinking about the future tax base for their pensions. Outsourcing to the USA is cheaper.

  5. Europe will be a snake pit of cooperation with the US, no matter their government. China is already a fascist country. Do you want to ally with fascists to fight fascists? If so, why pick this fight? We're better off fighting China together with the US while using cryptocurrencies to support civil rights movements in the US.

    1. "We're better off fighting China together with the US while using cryptocurrencies to support civil rights movements in the US"

      That doesn't make a damn bit of sense. IF both are fascist, Europe is best off if they stay out of such a fight, and out of any Cold War 2.0.

      Europe accepted America to meddle and dictate to Europe because of the Soviet threat. Please remind me, in what way is Europe "threatened" by China?

      China is that dude who occasionally raises his voice. America (and Russia?) are those guys who sometimes (often, in the case of my country the U.S.) actually acts like a violent thug, throwing punches and doing choke holds in the street and at the shopping mall.

      Are any of these guys nice? Not really. So best bet, just don't fight someone who does not threaten you.

      The U.S. is not the good guy on the world stage. Want proof? Examine our actions (not words) since 9/11.

      I rest my case.

    2. Russia is able to conduct a war in Europe aimed against the EU, because of Chinese support. The US is a typical great power with too much tax money that wanted to create their own version of a thousand years Reich with a series of wars, before the rise of peer powers in Asia. Simply analyzing the politics and power, Europe is better of with North America, than any Asian powers. We can stay out of a lot of US nonsense.

    3. The lying moron has an aversion against free Europe and likes dictatorships (NK, Russia, Arab kleptocracies) except China, which he singles out because of trade balance (and only that, not because of Taiwan).

      Europeans cannot go along well with a Fascist America until the lying moron is out of the picture.
      Afterwards, Europe might stay bloc-free.

      India - turning to anti-Muslim authoritarian Nationalism, about to unlock its potential after ending the stunting of the young generation
      PR China - rising great power in pursuit of compensation for 19th and 20th century humiliations, en route to giant economic trouble
      USA - becoming more stupid by the day, drifting to Fascism because establishment parties haven't served 90% of the people for 50+ years
      Europe - fractured and plagued by incredibly useless politicians and hallucinating extremist morons

      Russia doesn't matter. It's Italy by now.

    4. Russia has more ammunition and nukes than Italy.

    5. Russian nukes only matter vs. China, they are unusable in Europe. Italy has no China problem.

      And Russia is using up its munitions & Soviet scrap metal inventories. Their demographics, political functionality, military prowess and GDP are similar.

    6. "Russian nukes only matter vs. China, they are unusable in Europe"

      Please elaborate, especially the part of Russian nukes unusable in Europe. Why would they be unusable anywhere?

    7. Even the conquest of Ukraine is not considered worth the backlash of nuclear first use, as we get demonstrated since Feb 2022.
      A nuclear weapon use against NATO/EU risks an at least in-kind nuclear response from France, UK, U.S..

      Nukes are unusable in Europe. Having them makes potentially hostile nukes unusable. They don't do more than cancel out.

      I wrote about using nuclear first strike on carriers or (own) islands recently because there's no in-kind response scenario and it would be a defensive use far from hostile homeland.

    8. In that case, how can Russian nukes even be usable vs. China? In the (extremely unlikely) event these two allied countries go to war, Chinese nukes ensure no nukes can be used against them.

      And, China is already undertaking a rapid build up of both tactical and strategic weapons (read up on their current and projected arsenals, especially the road/rail mobile ICBMs and the new ICBM fields; there are probably even more, but these are what are known) - even my country dare not launch a first strike, as China already has too many nuclear warheads capable of reaching even Miami, and all other cities in the U.S.

    9. Russians would not mind nuking Chinese invasion forces in Siberia, that's why their nukes are usable in the East.

  6. Okay agreed.

    BUT, why would Russians mind nuking European invasion forces in Belarus or eastern Ukraine? IMHO, there is a high chance the United States would nuke an invading army that managed to capture even ONE American city.

    For example, an enemy that had captured Houston simply would not be allowed to get near to Dallas. (pls check the globe). If you conquer Boston, nukes would fly before you can proceed to New York.

    Countryside can be sacrificed, and fallout can be tolerated (barely), but major industrial population zones falling is catastrophic.

    Would not this logic apply to anyone with nuclear weapons?
