
Link drop May 2020

A website dedicated to Soviet Armed Forces 1945-1091
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The question our executive branch politicians have to answer before the next elections is "Why didn't we have this by February already?!?".

The costs of the supplies are negligible, and all countries have enough unemployed people to provide the necessary labour.

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The U.S. had something similar in the Vietnam War era and I have long considered it a scandal that such tech (preferably coupled with a mobile ski jump ramp) isn't standard equipment in air forces. I suppose that's a result of the top bras' bias towards peacetime flying things.

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My question is: "How can a person possibly be so dumb to not see that this is an total moron? He is OBVIOUSLY dumber than an average 3rd grader. His knowledge on things has been displayed as irritatingly deficient again and again on utterly normal things to know. He didn't know that people died of the flu even though his grandfather did. "Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated." after claiming to have a plan that gives better care to more people for less money.

How can an adult be so stupid? I used to think that the crazies who sit on park benches and loudly argue with themselves are the most dysfunctional people not yet locket up in psychiatric wards, but apparently that was wrong.

They gave the nuclear codes to this horse crap version of a brain!

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The Onion

Look at the date.

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"5 lessons from World War II for the coronavirus response"

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I lost an entire article in April. It was scheduled, then suddenly I had another article scheduled twice for the same date with the same headline. I deleted one of the two copies and next day I noticed that the unrelated scheduled article was gone. That's a never seen before (my me) hiccup of blogger. Luckily, I wasn't fully convinced of the lost article's quality and had delayed its publication since February.

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This shall be a reminder that I never sided with the ammosexuals even when I wrote about guns.

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[German] www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/corona-pandemie-populismus-toetet-kolumne-a-00000000-0002-0001-0000-000170435611
Er verwendet das Wort "Populismus" und meint "Demagogerie", aber ansonsten 99% Zustimmung von mir.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "I'm not arguing that Trump is smart, but like George W. Bush, the other Republican president before him, he has learned to play dumber than he is."

    A person playing dumb knows when to shut up. Trump does not, therefore, he is very likely as stupid as bread.

    Trump has one useful function: He is a valuable member of the low-IQ control group. It is a 95% bet that everything he claims is bogus and stupid.


  3. GWB did dumb things and very likely lacked the intelligence expected from someone in that office. He was and is a functioning adult, though. The criticism about his stupidity at the time has to be seen in the context of the time.
    Westerners were not used to consider Idi Amin-level dysfunctionality as within the range of Western top politicians. The lying moron changed that. Now everybody understands that a head of state of a great power can be elementary-level stupid. This was unimaginable before.

    The lying moron makes the buffoon Mussolini look competent.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Last Dingo:

    >>all countries have enough unemployed people to provide the necessary labour>>

    You live in such a dream world in which the states can simply do whatever they want to do. These people that you want to "force" to work here will simply do nothing or bring such underperformance that it is also of no use. again, apart from the fact that in the so-called constitutional state, any such measure can be sued at will until it is practically impracticable. Keyword asylum seekers as harvest helpers or similar ...

    1. You live in a dream world where your fantasizing changes the meaning of what someone else wrote.

      Adults and pupils even are expected to accept the reality that written words have a meaning.
