
Real social democrats


Imagine the developed world well before the 1970's: blue collar workers' children would become blue collar workers, children of academics would become white collar employees. There was little social mobility. The result was that there were great many highly intelligent workers and craftsmen.

This was the pool from which workers' parties could draw their politicians, their organisers. The result was that we had several generations of very intelligent politicians in workers' parties who actually had a strong socio-economic links to workers.

Such worker parties were effective at improving social mobility and schooling, and thus a later generation of blue collar workers' children were able to realise their potential at school and become academics.

What about the worker parties? Just as their politicians, they had ever less socio-economic links to workers. Some devolved into grifting and self-service organisations that abused power to hand out well-paying jobs to their most loyal politicians. Networking became ever more important, and leading politicians were able to build & maintain networks by handing out such well-paying jobs in administrations, government-owned companies, social insurances, in stock company advisory boards and last but not least - the EU.

What about their policies? They became ever less workers-centric, but keep in mind what kind of people joins a workers party rather than a conservative party in the first place: People with at least  a bit idealism. People who sympathise with the underdogs. People who sympathise with minorities.

Thus the (former) workers' parties fell into the trap of representing underdogs, minorities a lot. They allowed to be attached to minority opinions, unpopular opinions. They were caught preferring the well-being of foreigners over the well-being of workers.

And thus we have no real social democrats in Germany any more, no party that convinces the vast majority of workers that it's working hard in their interest.

What we have are parties focused on scapegoats, stirring aversions and being 100% 24/7 365 days a year utterly, completely worthless and doing nothing of any value that would actually make life of a worker's family any better. They do lick Putin's boots, though. In fact, our biggest such party is actively working for the benefit of the rich and high income earners. The workers don't notice, though. They don't have any high intelligence co-workers any more who would point that out, high IQ has been selected away from blue collar jobs.

There's sociological research that shows that a neighbourhood collapses socioeconomically (and culturally) when the share of people who 'made it' drops below 4%. There are not enough role models left, the neighbourhood turns into a poverty ghetto. A third to a half of Germany is emulating that. 

That's not about the foreigners intruding the society, it's about internal threads that were torn.

Germany BADLY needs a new, a REAL social-democratic party!



  1. Isn't that role filled by the AfD?

    1. The AfD is by now a 99% Fascist party that rather scapegoats poor people and is in favour of tax reforms that benefit only the Rich and hurt the median family. Their supporters are delusional dangerous idiots.

  2. Just let the AfD do their thing. Germany needs to make NPPs, ICBMs, boot immigrants and refugees, increase birth rates by any means, etc. I'm not saying go full 4th Reich. I'm saying command the same respect as UK and France. Get to the point where you won't tolerate you gas line being blow up by allies or need to station Rammstein AFB.

    1. The AfD lives in fantasyland, none of its ideas have any practical usefulness because they don't pay attention to the real world.
      A year CDU in power is a wasted year (maybe a step back by half a year even), while a year AfD in power would definitely accelerate troubles by one year and be a year step back on most other things.
      It's an idiotic party for idiots, not in any way a party that strives to work for workers / people with below-average work incomes.
      To fix the birth rates to a sustainable rate is going to give net benefits no earlier than about 2060. That's super hard to pull off politically. I know how to fix the birth rate, but it would be difficult to handle the transition pain even if the decisive policy can be enacted and survives a constitutional court challenge.

      Last but not least; the AfD is not in the business of making Germany strong or proud. It's in the business of licking Putin's boots. It's a symptom of weakness.

    2. They way you describe it, sounds like Trump for Germany. Specially tax cuts for the rich is NOT what a patriot/nationalist would do.

      NATO/CIA/MI6/DGSE/whatever had at least 22 years to deal with Putin before he became an irreversible problem. They didn't, or they couldn't. This is on them.

      I'm trying really hard to keep my doom mongering at bay, but ultimately, see the recent global warming records. Check Limits to Growth / World 3 for what happens in the 2020s. Also Mouse Utopia Experiments for developed nations. The civilization, the life as we know it is over. Nobody wins. Good luck with the ashes, China.

    3. We're actually in the process of defeating many important and terrible diseases (including cancers), minimising extreme poverty, reducing malnutrition and poisoning that harms the development of the coming generations, reducing greenhouse gas emissions spectacularly.

      It's just that in many countries the political systems/cultures have rotten to the point that they systematically select mostly worthless politicians to positions of great influence and power.

    4. "Just let the AfD do their thing. Germany needs to make NPPs, ICBMs, boot immigrants and refugees, increase birth rates by any means, etc. "

      So much nonsense in 2.5 lines. Respect. Are you a natural or did you train for your talent?

      1) Only a complete idiot would build new NPPs.
      2) ICBMs without nuclear war heads (which are not allowed for Germany) are stupid too.
      The rest of your post is even more stupid.

    5. Most Europeans disagree with Germans on nuclear power.

    6. No, they don't.
      Only the UK, France and Russia are constructing any nuclear powerplants at all.

      The levelised cost of electricity is damning nuclear power.
      Nuclear powerplants have systemic unreliability factors (example France 22/23) and require backup just like wind & solar require some energy storage for backup.

    7. Some questions I have for Mr. SO:

      " I know how to fix the birth rate, but it would be difficult to handle the transition pain even if the decisive policy can be enacted and survives a constitutional court challenge."

      How would you do it?

      "We're actually in the process of defeating many important and terrible diseases (including cancers), minimising extreme poverty, reducing malnutrition and poisoning that harms the development of the coming generations, reducing greenhouse gas emissions spectacularly."

      Then why does hardly anybody know about it, talk about it, celebrate it?

      "Only the UK, France and Russia are constructing any nuclear powerplants at all."

      Could this be, because they all are nuclear powers, that need the technology and infrastructure to maintain their arsenal?

    8. 1)
      Link retirement income to having raised children for 32-person-years (2 children each 16 yrs or 8 foster children each 4 yrs would suffice, for example). Minimum retirement pay (relative poverty line) without that.
      Historically, having children (and letting them inherit means of income generation) was the retirement income plan.
      Retirement insurance + contraception/abortion => unsustainable fertility

      2) https://www.youtube.com/@gapminder

      3) You don't need a nuclear powerplant to maintain nukes, it's optional.
      Uranium suffices for a fission bomb and plutonium can be replaced by uranium in a fusion bomb.
      Boosting requires tritium, which can be produced in submarine reactors (if you want it), research reactors (even Germany still has a 20 MW reactor for producing medical supplies) and in non-reactor high energy accelerators.

      Actually, Russia is simply backward and unable to modernise anything. Establishment France is still in love with nuclear power despite cost and unreliability shocks in the past few years (kind fo sunk cost fallacy behaviour). The UK just recently turned bigly to windpower.

    9. "Most Europeans disagree with Germans on nuclear power."

      If you change your statement to "Most stupid Europeans..." then it becomes correct.

      We have 150 NPPs in the USA, France and UK, the average age is around 40 years, you can in best case expect 60 years production life.

      To maintain only the status quo (which means decreasing share of electricity by NPPs) these three countries need 7 reactors completed each year!

      1) What is the evidence that these countries are able to build 7 reactors per years? (Hint: they are not)

      2) What is the actual number of completed reactors per year? It a number smaller than 1.

      3) You can even find research paper on this topic, the only question is how much the reactor fleet will shrink.

      4) It is a save bet that nuclaer power will fall of the cliff in 15-20 years.

      5) PV is growing exponentially, the global share of electricity generated by PV increases, the share by NPPs decreases.

      You understand the difference betwenn a uneducated person like you and somebody with understanding of relevant numbers?

  3. The Finnish one started operation in 2023, it's not current construction.

    The Polish project is fake. They pretend to plan with it to "meet" their GHG emission cutting target without actually doing anything. They don't budget for it (just as their gazillion spending plans on military procurement are unaffordable).
    They would actually have to do something if they planned to reach their target with solar & wind, because that construction would be real and could be done in two years.

    And even counting these two countries to the three I listed would be far from "all over Europe". You're delusional and trying to mislead people.
