
Return fire on the intertubes!

Why don't we run a society infiltrating and disintegrating campaign against the Russian government as it does to us?
We have literally a million Ukrainians in the West, hundreds of thousands of them are mothers who cannot work full-time except in the flat. 
They all speak Russian, understand the Russian mind, know Russian habits, know Russian history, know Russian institutions and places.

They could
(1) make corruption an omnipresent discussion topic
(2) expose hypocrisy & lies
(3) sow distrust vs. Chinese, North Korean, Iranian governments
(4) spread 'conspiracy theories' about false flags by Putin
(5) sow distrust regarding popular software
(6) sow distrust in Russian election integrity
(7) fuel minority nationalism
(8) fuel aversions against Chechens/Kadyrovites
(9) sow distrust against PMCs
(10) sow distrust in pension system
(11) share tips how to evade conscription
(12) inform about how stupid volunteering for the military is
(13) spread subversive songs, graffiti templates
(14) de-normalise crazy things of Russian society that make the people compliant subjects
(15) sow aversion against paying taxes, governmental revenue services
(16) ridicule and denigrate governmental security services personnel, the services themselves
(17) promote alcohol consumption
(18) trivialise drugs
(19) reveal how to make your own drugs
(20) promote foreign luxury goods
(21) share information about how to dodge taxation
(22) share information about how to dodge conscription
(23) share information to help criminals evade the police
(24) share information how to conduct sabotage
(25) share information how to evade surveillance

There are no elections of consequence in Russia, so aiding particular parties makes no sense. Political parties and movements are no effective message multipliers, either.
And if they want us to stop, they need to stop first.

BTW, I included drugs and alcohol because the Russian government is very concerned about these. Those points go beyond sabotage of society & economy, they are attempts to influence government decisionmaking favourably.



  1. Russian and Ukrainian women in Germany get along surprisingly well.

    1. Like those that killed Ukrainian grandma and mother to steal the infant? There are ethnic Russian among Ukrainian refugees and there are people of Ukrainian origin among people with Russian passport. I am Ukrainian and I have a cousin who left Russia. if you see us speaking Russian - it doesn't mean Ukrainians and Russians get along very well))) Or we are one people - it's because he doesn't understand Ukrainian

  2. Spreading immorality is a double edged sword. It will effect the women spreading that information as well.

    Highlighting corruption in the opponents camp is a safer route.

    1. The corruption angle never worked though, the reason for this, is that Russia went to absolute shit after the USSR collapse and it was ran by a pro American regime, where as living standards improved dramatically under Putin.
      Russians still remember the horror and humiliation of the 90s.

    2. Russia is going to absolute shit and humiliating itself right now.

  3. Good idea, but: The West has no longer any access to the russian infosphere. It is decoupled from ours. Whatever information brought into Russia it is either countered with "whataboutism" or flagged as western propaganda. The situation is way worse than back in the Cold War with Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty.

    Apart from that:
    The West can´t use hybrid warfare methods as Russia does because of accountability and attribution in democratic societies

    1. I disagree. I can easily join Russian Telegram channels.
      Subversive files can be smuggled into a country on a tiny SIM card.
      Russians can receive Satellite TV.

    2. Deleted that comment already? That falls under (2) expose hypocrisy and lies. :D

    3. I delete obvious nonsense.

    4. @So
      Informational warfare isn't about sharing small lies with a couple of people, you need to have a platform with a VERY large reach, that can spread lies to a large audience, informational warfare worked quite well in the ME (during the so called Arab spring) directly due to the goverments unwillingness to censor American propaganda platforms like Twitter, YT, etc...
      Russia has no issue censoring any platform that engages in subversive activities.
      It also has a quite capable counter intelligence community that creates various controlled opposition entities.
      Furthermore, the American empire has lost a lot of credibility in the eyes of the Russians over it's refusal to abide by it's own moral guidelines, the Russians are not as innocent and uniformed as you think they are, for example the war in Ukraine is a glorified community policing action relative to the war in Gaza.

    5. Frankly, that sounds delusional.

    6. Which part and why?
      Also, accusing me of being delusional whilst thinking you can somehow influence Russian society at scale because you can access some Russian telegram channel is quite ironic.

    7. The last part is delusional BS.

      The Russian society is a shitshow. The government is a dictatorship. People overestimate the stability of such things. Sometimes it takes very little to collapse a pile of crap.

      The East German regime collapsed when the regime's bluff (that they could and would crackdown with force on open dissent) was called.

      Yes, injecting and amplifying a handful narratives can have extreme consequences. That's not delusional. The Russian government right now probably shits its pants that Russia could fracture and lose control of subjugated Caucasus and Asian regions. They have no Rosgvardiya forces in position or even only in reserve to crack down on open dissent.

      And I'll tell you why your crap won't pass here any more. You just displayed overt bad faith discussion by strawmanning the Telegram thing when in fact I mentioned three channels of intrusion, and the Russian government cannot do anything against two of them.
      So you're not just under suspicion of being a vatnik; you're also a worthless commenter due to bad faith behaviour.

  4. Erinnere dich bis an den Rest deines Lebens daran: du als SPD´ler hast dazu aufgerufen Drogen zu verbreiten. Und du weißt genau, dass es die Unterschicht ist, die darunter am härtesten zu Leiden hat.
    Red´ nochmal davon, dass es die Unterstützer der Underdogs sind, die in linke Parteien eintreten.
    Ihr seid gewissenlos.

    1. Hallo,
      ichbin kein SPDler. Ich würde mich schämen, in so einer Partei zu sein.

      Und Drogen sind ein Witz im Vergleich zu den Millionen Artilleriegranaten, die Russland bei seinem Angriffskrieg verschießt.

      Fuck around and find out !

      Und "(...)du(...) hast dazu aufgerufen Drogen zu verbreiten" ist ohnehin angesichts der Beweislage oben keine haltbare Behauptung.

      Insofern; Spinner, zieh weiter!

  5. UnamusedObserver28 October 2024 at 07:44

    America is already doing all the above and failing MISERABLY, the thing about attempting color revolutions is that they tend to have diminishing returns, each attempt tends to yield less results.
    Furthermore, there is no "we" here, it's just American empire and the parts of Europe it violently conquered during WWII VS Russia and it's allies.

  6. Heh. Man has never been in Russia. "society infiltrating and disintegrating campaign against the Russian government" just doesnt work, because russians - not citizens, but government property. No right to vote, you know.

    1. The Italians had no right to vote in Northern Italy 1943, either.


      So that's not much of an obstacle.

    2. >The Italians had no right to vote in Northern Italy 1943, either.

      But had enemy army.
      Following the Allied invasion of Sicily in July 1943, Mussolini was deposed and put under arrest

    3. Yeah, the Russians kinda fight an enemy army as well. Mussolini was captured by partisans far away from the allies. And Ceaucescu met a fair fate without being at war.

      The Russian government will correctly fear dissentmongering.
