
Dolchstoßlegende, assault infantry and modern personnel affairs

During the Inter-War Years, many Germans (mostly centre and right wing) believed in the "Dolchstoßlegende": The idea that the German army hadn't been defeated by enemy armies at the front; the problem in 1918 had supposedly been those socialists who stabbed the army in the back by causing trouble at home.

It was utter bollocks. The supreme army command had strongly urged the civilian government to plea for peace after the army had badly failed on the Western Front on August 8th, 1918; the successful beginning of the Western powers' offensives of 1918.

The army in the field had failed to hold the front lines because it was exhausted.

The problem was relatively simple, but rarely appreciated by authors: A robust defence isn't only about men, guns and terrain. It requires effective counter-attacks. Some losses of positions are bound to happen if dangerous hostiles launch an offensive against you. These need to be counter-attacked to save the position unless you're willing to trade land for blood. The German generals in August 1918 were not willing to trade land for blood; they knew that later lines of defence farther to the back (behind the main line of resistance) would have much worse field fortifications. It was less horrible to fight where they were.
The only way to hold a line for long without counter-attacking successful break-ins is to make the line strong up front. This means many - not few- men far forward. Far forward; that's where the hostiles observed the best, where their artillery was the most powerful and where their tank attacks still had cohesion and most tanks were still mobile. It had been understood long before summer 1918 that having many men far forward was too bloody and the resulting defence was brittle in face of powerful offensives and an eventual failure of such a stiff, brittle defence would be much worse than the failure of weak forward elements of an elastic defence.

The problem by August 1918 was that there was war. 
Another problem - which concerned almost exclusively generals and politicians - was that there had been a bloody war for such a long time that the ability of the army to counter-attack locally had been diminished too much. The elastic defence had failed as well.
Now how had the ability to counter-attack locally been diminished precisely? In addition to the battles of 1914-1917 (the pre-War troops below rank of battalion staffs had been 'spent' by 1916 at the latest), lots of losses had been suffered earlier in 1918 during German offensives of unprecedented 'success'. (Malnutrition and the flu epidemic were other problems.)

In order to achieve the required breakthroughs, Germany had mustered in addition to the usual means a couple tactical and organizational innovations, most notably Bruchmüller's artillery plans and some of the first (finally) seriously trained modern infantry. These German infantry units were similar to Russian and Italian efforts at creating specialised assault infantry in that they finally trained properly and equipped properly for the task. The German assault troops were quite numerous; many were raised in order to enable breakthroughs in many places simultaneously. German army formations and basic training units had to send the best infantry for the attack to this training and employ them in breakthrough attacks.
The tactical success was striking, but so were the losses. The German army had exposed its best assault infantrymen to fire and burnt them. They weren't left for local counter-attack any more.

So what kind of troops are 'the best' for assaults? The junior officers of the time knew this by observation, but the 20th century was bloody enough to teach us a lesson or some and we can actually make some general observations about who is likely better-suited for assaults than average troops are.

(a) Men who are married with children (or simply very much in love) tend to have more survival instincts. This means they're not as aggressive as single men. They do not tend to give up easily under pressure, which makes them suitable for tactical defence.
(b) Stupid men do stupid mistakes and die too easily.
(c) Smart men are smart enough to understand dangers, and thus to avoid them. Dangers such as assaulting entrenched infantry.
(d) Older men are typically not fit enough (especially a hundred years ago) for much infantry action.
(e) Men older than something around 30 tend to be less daring than young men.
(f) Men from rural background did tended to be superior to urban men for warmaking that involved close combat. This was a recurring theme from late Roman antiquity till sometime after WW2. It was likely about better nourishment and cleaner water and may no longer be relevant.

So the ideal assault infantryman of 1918 came from a rural area, had normal intelligence, was adult but not older than late 20's, single and had no children.

The First World War consumed these men at an astonishing pace, and several warring countries fell once they had lost too many of them (Russia, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Germany, France only almost in 1917). The same happened to Germany in WW2 and even to the Soviet Union in WW2; that's why the Red Army of late WW2 had to emphasize artillery and tanks in their assaults so very much: Artillery and tank troops required fewer troops for combat power. Infantry was still employed in great numbers, of course - but it was the weakest pillar of Red Army combined arms attacks by 1944.
Similarly, the German army of 1944 had to emphasize artillery fires as the main pillar of defence because the thinned-out infantry was only capable of maintaining a thin screen.

I'm totally in favour of not doing any experiments about total warfare ever again, but there's still an interesting facet to this: The usual notion is that we have now a youth that's much less suitable for warfare than earlier generations. Yet I cannot see a great many married men with children below age 30 here. It was common to be married by the mid-20's (for life) and have children early in the 20th century. This isn't normal any more. Instead, relationships of young men are rather temporary in nature.
The advantage of "rural" recruits certainly waned, so the entire description of the ideal assault infantryman is now much more representative of young men age 18-29 in Western Europe than ever before. Obesity is rare in that age group.

You may think that we have few men in the relevant age group due to demographic change. I assure you, that's nonsense. Germany has more than 10 million men of military age, more than five million men in their 20's and roughly four million are citizens. I doubt anyone knows a plausible scenario for war in which we would run out of men to draft (unless one assumes that a catastrophe have already killed tens of millions of Germans).


  1. Some would say country boys were more adapt in part because they were accustomed to working out doors in any kind of weather and doing hard back breaking work. Also they were not squeamish haveng butchered animals all their lives and in WWII most had experience working on tractors and machinery. Thanks for letting me comment.

    1. The issue with the "rural boy" argument is that it forgets to mention that pre-WW1 most losses were caused by bacterial and viruses, soldiers with urban background had already survived these, were in a better condition to survive trench warfare.

      Urban recruits had better technical education than the rural recruits, that was already reciognised as feature in technical branches before 1914.


  2. You may be right about the "rural kid" advantage losing relevance. If one assumes that urban warfare will feature in future wars, perhaps today's "city kids" flip that advantage. They're more accustomed to navigating concrete jungles, and any pre-military exposure to gang or petty crime life gives them a basis for thinking through urban tactical problems (3D battlespace; infil and exfil routes, enemy (police!) response times etc. Though if they're First World kids they'll likely struggle in Third World slums.

  3. I am from a very rural northern fishing town and have spent time in many American and European city's. I would take the rural kids every time, they are in better shape, familiar with outdoors life and equally well (Or better.) educated to boot.

  4. Last Dingo:

    As usually you look on this topic to engineer-like, to materalistic, only from an standpoint of looking at men like material with specific abilities. This ignores imo to much the question of the culture. The todays young men are much more unfit for war because of their social-culture and their values, intangibles etc

    I see this in reality since years every day. There are exceptions of cause and the "rural" young men are much better then the urban ones today not because they are more used to hard work or have more outdoor experience but because of their different culture and more conservative idealistic values in comparison to the young men in cities.

    The political votes show this very clearly. In big cities and urban areas the young people vote very much for the green party. On rural countryside they vote much more for conservative (CDU, CSU) or rightwing (AfD, NPD etc) parties.

    This cultural division between the rural areas and the urban areas is widening. The modern urban social culture makes young men more and more unfit for war for psychological reasons. They are unfit mentally for this kind of work. Even in the armed forces many soldiers are today unfit for warfare, not technically, not because of their theoretical skills or their fitness or their health but because of their culture and their mindset.

    So the question today is not how many men of military age are available but how many young men are still able to fight in a real war and the answer is: much much fewer than in earlier times, although they are healthier and more educated and overall fitter.

    1. Why exactly do you believe that the rural youth's conservative values and psychology would make them any better soldiers than urban youngsters?

    2. Maybe you didn't serve in the military. I saw what basic training does to young men, and I saw young men being turned into serious soldiers, repeatedly. It's but a question of having competent trainers. Roughly 80% of our conscripts were usable, and I doubt that it's ever been better than that.

      Party affiliation seems to be extremely irrelevant here, and there are hardly any conservatives among infantry-age men anyway, rural or urban.

  5. I serverd in the military a long time and still today i am an instructor for shooting and tactics and the todays bw is for sure not longer the bw of your time (in the 90s (around 1995 in the luftwaffe i guess.

    The young men today differ very much from the conscripts of your time and it is much more difficult to turn them into good soldiers. This is not about the trainers, its a result of the changes in culture.

    Today there are no conscripts and if you would conscript all the young in no way 80 % of them would be usable, but to the opposite. Such an mass-conscript army with the todays young people would fail in a true war very fast and very decisivly.

    >>>there are hardly any conservatives among infantry-age >>>men anyway, rural or urban

    I totally agree with that althou the percentage of conservatives and especially righwing is higher in the young bw soldiers than in the overall population. But nearly not high enough and if you conscript young men this would even increase. The lack of conservatives and rightwing thinking young men is one the culturual problems which weakens the fighting power.

  6. @Anonymus: To answer your question: such values and the different culture of youths from the countryside result in a much better functioning in an hierarchy, an much faster learning of the necessary military skills and the necessary military culture and an overall better enduring of hardships of all kind, especially of mental hardships. The urban youngster are overall (of cause there are exceptions) to egocentric, to selfcentric, to materialistic, to much intereste in their well-being and nothing else. I even see this today everyday in my work and elsewere.Always discussing, always complaining, always whining, not following orders, and in realy serious situations to much cowardice, even a dislike of violence to the point that they are not able to deliver it. The son of a rural farmer has here often (not always of cause) immense advantages. Overall he is a much better fighter mentally / psychologically. Even in the cases in which urban youngster are very sporty and fit they fail often with physical hardships because their fitness is a gym fitness and the constution of their bodys is not used to hard work in any way. They are used sitting in school, sitting in front of their computer games and sitting and sitting and then going to the gym to get disco pumper muscles which are of no use in a real hardship (to the opposite because they have often then not enough body fat and only muscles). Moreover they are not used to the elements, to rain, heat coldness etc in the same way.

    This more and more also apllies for rural youngsters but the mental / psychological advantage is still there and absolut obvious.

  7. Well, you gyus have to keep two things in mind:

    1) Complaints about the current youth's unfitness and softness are millennia old. One quote about that is known from ancient Greece!
    2) You may like a certain political orientation. That does not make people with that political orientation superior. I know a couple traits of today's right wingers that are highly undesirable in a modern fighting force.

  8. @Sven: Point 2 you mentioned is very interesting for me. If you could please add some thoughts about that and explain, what traits todays right wingers have that are highly undesirable ?

    In my opinion nationalism is in peer warfare an tremendous advantage because the intangibles of combat and the psychological side of combat are even today still often more important than the question of equipment, overall numbers etc. Even the soviets in ww2 had to bend to this fact although they were communists.

    Also in combat units the percentage of right wingers is always higher the more elite and the more combat value an unit has. I believe there is an correlation between such political orientation and fighting power. Interesting in this context is perhaps, that for example at the moment the german mad and the german prosecutors office are determining an to high percentage of extreme rightwing soldiers in the german ksk.

    The same is my empirically experience as an trainer, that rightwing youths are better soldiers or become faster better soldiers. I think this results from the psychological traits and there personality. The cope better in an military enviroment and tend to be of an authoritarian character in the sense and definition of erich fromm which is in my opinion an advantage in combat.

    For sure the todays german society overall has an complete different view on this, and also one can argue if this is moraly and ethically correct, but in my opinon such an political orientation is an advantage for the question of the fighting power.

    So i am very interested to hear your opinion about this an what negative traits such soldiers with such an political orientation have. I have never thought this from an different point of view.

    1. Well, for starters, right wingers are gullible. The list of myths they believe in is unfathomable. This can be exploited for motivation, but it's also a symptom of poor decision-making and a not inquisitive mind. To not make plausibility checks and such makes you vulnerable for deception.

      Second, right wingers are mostly authoritarians. Actual libertarians are very much a myth. I've seen lots fo people claiming to be libertarians, but then they fell for authoritariana ppeal at the first opportunity.
      A military is an authoritarian organisation and finds such a trait beneficial becuase it makes the job easier for superiors - but it's not beneficial when it comes to the leadership, down to small unit leadership. You need independent thought and decision-making there. Nowadays this can reach down to fire team level and tank commanders. The French demonstrated the risks of too much top-down dependence in 1940 (among other things).
      Authoritarians furthermore aren't as intrinsically motivated to improve a hierarchical organisation bottom-up as are others.

      Right wing furthermore correlates with conservatism, with obvious perils at higher levels.

      And then there are my personal in-service observations. Pretty much every detectable right winger among conscripts and NCOs was an obvious civil life failure. They felt that the military was their home for about the same reason that some long-term prison inmates can't adapt back to life in freedom and want back to jail. The right wing NCOs (some of which had nazi decorations that went well beyond what was found in the much-publicised searches a few years ago) had disqualifying character defects (including hints of antisemitism, making stuff up at will and bullying people for enjoyment).

      BTW, the special forces thing may very well be selection bias. Right winger officer gets interested in some elitism unit, gets permission tos et it up, chooses right wing subordinates, which choose right wing subordinates et cetera.

  9. Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and your effort. For the question of the myth of the libertarian rightwing radical: i regard myself for example as such an libertarian. The same for my commanding officer which is the most able and finest soldier i have ever seen anythere. But i can agree that to many right wingers today are more authoritarians and that this is negative for warfare if there are no other positions in commanding positiions. This is imo an overall problem of peacetime armies in which such specific character traits thrive much better and especially in the todays german armed forces independent thought and determined decision making are not encouraged but to the opposite. Although there is theoreticaly the ideal of the auftragstaktik, to many units instead in reality practice a rigid form of command tactic only checking off their check lists and prescriped procedures.

    But rightwing thinking and radical futurism and out of the box thinking does not exclude each other in any case. It is possible and moreover even necessary to integrate this to serve the holy nation better.

    In my opinion your negative personal experience is therefore also the result of a to long peace phase without serious combat and the usual degeneration which this brings to every army overall.

    The idea of the selection bias i find fascinating because perhaps this is realy the case in my unit. I never thought about this before.
